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【「二手錄音帶零錢包工作坊」 精彩回顧】 Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza一向致力於與大家共創更快樂的...

【「二手錄音帶零錢包工作坊」 精彩回顧】 Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza一向致力於與大家共創更快樂的工作和生活環境,並不斷自我提升自我價值。在早前的租戶尊享「二手錄音帶零錢包工作坊」中,我們一同發揮創意,將舊錄音帶升級再造成別具特色的零錢包,不僅體驗了DIY的樂趣,更親身參與環保實踐🌱,思考舊物的再利用價值。 希望這次活動能在大家心中留下一段美好的回憶,未來我們將會舉辦更多有趣的環保和創意活動,記得密切留意我們的動態,不要錯過最新消息🌟! 【Second-hand Cassette Coinbag Workshop - Event Highlights】 Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza has always been committed to creating a happier working and living environment for everyone, and continuously enhancing self-value. In the recent ”Second-hand Cassette Coinbag Workshop“, we unleashed our creativity together, transforming old cassette tapes into unique coin bags. Not only did we experience the fun of DIY, but we also participated in environmental conservation 🌱, contemplating the value of reusing old items. We hope this event leaves a wonderful memory for everyone, and we look forward to hosting more interesting environmental and creative activities in the future. Remember to stay tuned to our updates so you don‘t miss out on the latest news 🌟! #創造更快樂的地方 #錄音帶 #零錢包 #升級再造 #HappyMoment #infinitusplaza #cassette #coinbag #upcycling #ESG #sustainability #sustainabilityIP

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