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【再創佳績 — 無極限廣場榮膺顧客服務大獎🏆】 又有一則好消息想與大家分享! 無極限廣場榮獲香港零售管...

【再創佳績 — 無極限廣場榮膺顧客服務大獎🏆】 又有一則好消息想與大家分享! 無極限廣場榮獲香港零售管理協會(HKRMA)主辦的2023-24香港工商業獎「顧客服務」獎項組別的冠軍🎉! 無限極廣場始終堅持客戶至上的理念,這份獎項是對我們優質服務的肯定。特別感謝充滿熱忱的快樂大使們,始終用心傾聽,真誠服務,而背後默默付出的爽物業管理(香港)有限公司更是我們最堅強的後盾。 感謝您一路以來的支持和陪伴。未來,我們將繼續用心服務,讓每一次相遇都充滿溫暖與驚喜💖。 【Achieving New Heights — Infinitus Plaza Wins the Customer Service Award🏆】 Exciting News from Hong Kong Infinitus Plaza! We are thrilled to announce that Hong Kong Infinitus Plaza has been named the Award Winner of 2023-2024 Hong Kong Awards for Industries: Customer Service, organized by HKRMA 🎉! This achievement reflects our commitment to excellence, thanks to our dedicated team and our Happiness Ambassadors at H Properties Management (H.K.) Company Ltd, who always prioritize our customers‘ needs. Thank you for being part of our journey! We will continue to strive for excellence and enhance our customer experience 💖. #創造更快樂的地方 #冠軍 #快樂大使 #爽物業 #HappyMoment #infinitusplaza #champion #CustomerServiceExcellence #HongKongAwards #HPropertiesManagement #AwardWinner #CelebratingSuccess

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