
【榮獲國際級WELL健康建築核心與外殼™️金級認證殊榮 — 締造可持續性的優質環境予租戶、顧客及員工】 無限...

【榮獲國際級WELL健康建築核心與外殼™️金級認證殊榮 — 締造可持續性的優質環境予租戶、顧客及員工】 無限極廣場榮獲由International WELL Building Institute(IWBI)管理的《WELL建築標準™️》核心與外殼金級認證殊榮🏆! 《WELL建築標準™️》是全球首個將建築與人體健康概念相融合的認證系統,致力提升建築物的可持續發展。該標準檢測及監控建築物內影響身心健康的要素,包括空氣、水質、營養、光線、運動、熱舒度、聲環境、材料、心理健康、社區及創新等。 IWBI委託獨立評估機構綠色建築認證委員會完成就無限極廣場的嚴格評核,確保項目表現符合標準。 無限極廣場一向高度重視租戶、顧客及員工的福祉,在該認證的各項要求中均達到了極高水平。我們深信,健康優質的環境能提升創造力,打造更快樂的體驗。 於香港,只有少數辦公大樓能獲得該認證。這突顯了我們矢志營造以健康和可持續性為核心的空間之決心。 未來,我們將繼續努力,與各位攜手共建更健康、更快樂,且可持續發展的工作及生活環境🌱。 【Awarded the prestigious WELL Core & Shell Certification™️ at Gold Level by cultivating a healthy and sustainable environment for Tenants, Customers, and Staff】 Infinitus Plaza has been awarded the prestigious WELL Building Standard™️ Core & Shell Certification at Gold level by International WELL Building Institute (IWBI)! Achieving this certification is a remarkable accomplishment, as only a few buildings in Hong Kong receive this prestigious honor. It reflects our commitment to creating a strong foundation that prioritizes well-being and sustainability in our spaces. Infinitus Plaza has always prioritized the well-being of its tenants, customers, and staff, achieving an exceptionally high level across all certification requirements. We firmly believe that a healthy, high-quality work environment enhances creativity and fosters a happier, more fulfilling experience. Going forward, we will continue to work tirelessly, joining hands with all of you to build healthier, happier, and more sustainable environments. #創造更快樂的地方 #HappyMoment #infinitusplaza #InfinitusPlazaHK #WellCoreGold #WorkplaceWellness #green #sheungwan #community #ESG #sustainability #sustainabilityIP


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