
【利是封回收重用大行動 2024】 農曆新年剛過,相信大家一定都逗到好多利是,恭喜發財🧧! 想要延續新年...

【利是封回收重用大行動 2024】 農曆新年剛過,相信大家一定都逗到好多利是,恭喜發財🧧! 想要延續新年喜悅,並為綠色明天出一分力?不妨來參加無限極廣場與「綠領行動」合辦的利是封回收重用大行動啦!只需一個簡單的動作,就可以令利是封重獲新生,減少節日浪費,為新一年更添意義。 歡迎大家約上同事、朋友一同實踐環保,共創綠色未來🌱! 日期:19/2-17/3 地點:6/F, Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza *註: 不接受以下利是封種類: 1.印有生肖、年份或姓氏 2.自動黏貼封口 3.已寫有文字 4.已畫上圖案 5.有摺痕或已破損 【Lai See Reuse & Recycle Programme 2024】 After the Lunar New Year celebrations, surely that many of us have amassed quite a collection of red packets—wishing prosperity and good fortune! 🧧 Looking to extend the festive spirit of the New Year while also contributing to a greener tomorrow? Why not consider participating in the Lai See Reuse & Recycle Programme 2024, co-organised by Infinitus Plaza and "Green Initiatives"! With just a simple action, we can rejuvenate these red packets, minimizing holiday waste and infusing the new year with greater significance. We welcome everyone to join us in this environmental initiative, collectively shaping a greener future for all 🌱! Date: 19/2-17/3 Venue: 6/F, Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza *Please note that the following types of red packet envelopes will not be accepted: 1. Printed with Chinese Zodiac signs, year or surnames 2. Auto-glue seal 3. With handwritten words 4. With drawings 5. Folded or damaged #創造更快樂的地方 #綠領行動 #利是封回收重用大行動 #新生利是封 #HappyMoment #infinitusplaza #CNY #reuse #recycle #ESG #sustainability #sustainabilityIP


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