
【租戶專享:二手錄音帶零錢包工作坊 開放報名中】錄音帶曾經承載著我們無數歡笑的時光,但現在卻越來越...

【租戶專享:二手錄音帶零錢包工作坊 開放報名中】 錄音帶曾經承載著我們無數歡笑的時光,但現在卻越來越少有機會使用……?不如試試將錄音帶升級再造,「錄」下這段美好的回憶吧📼! Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza本次「二手錄音帶零錢包工作坊」,將會帶領租戶舊物重用,將棄置的錄音帶升級成零錢包👜,集時尚與實用于一身,以環保的方式,賦予他們第二生命! 日期:23/4(二) 時間:12:30pm-2pm 費用:HK $200/位 名額:15位 語言:廣東話 地點:6/F, Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza *工作坊提供舊式錄音帶及材料,並教授基礎縫紉技巧 *名額有限,先到先得。 ^受條款及細則約束。如有任何爭議,無限極廣場保留最終決定權。圖片只供參考。 【Tenant Exclusive: Second-hand Cassette Coinbag Workshop Now Open for Registration】 Cassette tapes once captured countless moments of laughter and joy, but now they’re rarely used. Why not give them a new lease on life by transforming them into something useful 📼? Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza is hosting the ”Second-hand Cassette Coinbag Workshop,“ where we‘ll guide everyone in upcycling old cassette tapes into coinbags 👜. The coinbags combine style and practicality, giving these discarded tapes a second chance at life in an eco-friendly manner. Date: 23/4 (Tue) Time: 12:30pm-2pm Fee: HK $200/pax Quota: 15 Language: Cantonese Venue: 6/F, Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza *Workshop provides old cassette tapes and materials, and teaches basic sewing skills. *Limited seats only, first come first served. ^Terms and Conditions apply. Infinitus Plaza reserves the right of final decision in case of any dispute. Photos are for reference only. #創造更快樂的地方 #錄音帶 #零錢包 #升級再造 #HappyMoment #infinitusplaza #cassette #coinbag #upcycling #ESG #sustainability #sustainabilityIP


【國際環保博覽2024♻️ | 推動綠色創科 實現雙碳目標】


【無限極廣場新年特別活動 精彩回顧】 上週,無限極廣場舉辦了熱鬧喜慶的賀新春活動。我們齊聚一堂製作綠...
