
【開卷有益 - 送香港書展門票】 無限極廣場一向高度重視環保,並致力於推廣社區閲讀的理念📚。 為鼓勵更...

【開卷有益 - 送香港書展門票】 無限極廣場一向高度重視環保,並致力於推廣社區閲讀的理念📚。 為鼓勵更多人養成閲讀習慣,我們現正特別推出「開卷有益 - 送香港書展門票」活動。只需當日於活動地點挑選心儀書籍,並追蹤H Properties LinkedIn及無限極廣場Instagram,即可免費獲贈「香港書展」門票乙張🎫。 日期:12/7(五) 時間:12:30-2:30pm 地點:無限極廣場地下中庭 *每位參與者只可換領一次,每人最多可取1本書籍。數量有限,換完即止。 ^受條款及細則約束。如有任何爭議,無限極廣場保留最終決定權。 【Unlocking Wisdom through Reading – Redeem Ticket for Hong Kong Book Fair】 📚 Infinitus Plaza has always placed great emphasis on environmental protection and is committed to promoting community reading. To encourage more people to develop the habit of reading, we are now launching the "Unlocking Wisdom through Reading - Redeem Ticket for Hong Kong Book Fair" campaign. Simply pick your favoruite books from the event venue, follow H Properties LinkedIn and Infinitus Plaza Instagram page, and you will receive a free ticket to the Hong Kong Book Fair 🎫. Date: 12/7 (Fri) Time: 12-2:30 pm Location: G/F Atrium, Infinitus Plaza *Each participant is only allowed to redeem once, with a maximum of 1 book per person. The gifts above are available while stock lasts. ^Terms and Conditions apply. Infinitus Plaza reserves the right of final decision in case of any dispute. #創造更快樂的地 #香港書展 #好書推介 #HappyMoment #infinitusplaza #booksharing #booklover #bookfair #ESG #sustainability #sustainabilityIP


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