
【租戶專享:百田遊園免費體驗日】 想要放鬆心情迎接Happy Friday?想要與小朋友共度溫馨親子時光?無限極...

【租戶專享:百田遊園免費體驗日】 想要放鬆心情迎接Happy Friday?想要與小朋友共度溫馨親子時光?無限極廣場「百田遊園 @real_expert_playfunzone 」免費體驗日来啦🎉! 無限極廣場一向致力於為大家打造更快樂的工作和生活環境,全方位提升大家的幸福感。本次驚喜禮遇專為無限極廣場的職員、商戶及其家人而設,歡迎大家前來盡情暢玩,享受身心放鬆的歡樂時刻🌟。 日期:23/2(五) 時間:9am-12pm 對象:無限極廣場職員及其商戶子女(11歲或以下) 費用:免費(需出示無限極廣場個人咭片,或其他身份證明文件) 地點:無限極廣場2樓百田遊園 *此優惠由百田遊園提供,詳情請向百田遊園職員查詢(WhatsApp: 6216 6311)。如有任何爭議,百田遊園將保留最終決定權。 【Tenant Exclusive: Free Experience Day at Real Expert Playfunzone】 Want to unwind and welcome appy Friday? Looking for some quality family time with the kids? Infinitus Plaza presents the "Real Expert Playfunzone" free experience day 🎉! Infinitus Plaza is committed to creating a happier work and living environment, enhancing everyone's sense of happiness. This special event is exclusively for Infinitus Plaza staffs, merchants and their families, allowing you to enjoy carefree and pleasant moments 🌟. Date: 23/2 (Fri) Time: 9am-12pm Audience: Infinitus Plaza staff, merchants and their children (aged 11 and below) Fee: Free (present your business card at Infinitus Plaza, or any other identification card) Venue: 2/F, Real Expert Playfunzone, Infinitus Plaza *This offer is provided by Real Expert Playfunzone, and please contact the staff for more details (WhatsApp: 6216 6311). Real Expert Playfunzone reserves the right of final decision in case of any dispute. #創造更快樂的地方 #百田遊園 #親子好去處 #室內好去處 #免費體驗日#HappyMoment #infinitusplaza #familytime #playhouse #fun #love


【紅紅火火賀新春 – 無限極廣場Happier CNY Market精彩登場】無限極廣場新春獻好禮🧨!由下週一起,我...


【租戶專享:二手錄音帶零錢包工作坊 開放報名中】錄音帶曾經承載著我們無數歡笑的時光,但現在卻越來越...
