
【歡迎報名「DIY冷光線燈牌工作坊」】 想要感受光影魅力?想要體會充滿創意與驚喜的工作坊? Happy Momen...

【歡迎報名「DIY冷光線燈牌工作坊」】 想要感受光影魅力?想要體會充滿創意與驚喜的工作坊? Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza為大家特別呈獻近年來備受歡迎的「DIY冷光線燈牌工作坊」,你將會有機會由畫草圖開始,自由發揮想象力,將燈綫扭成各類有趣的圖案,親手打造動感奇幻又五光十色的燈牌✨(約為A4紙大小)。既可以為家居增添型格小佈置,亦能夠輕鬆帶出街打卡拍照。 製作難度不會太高,即使新手也可以輕鬆駕馭!記得趕快透過無限極廣場APP報名留位,與大家一同享受DIY樂趣吧😊。 日期:26/3(二) 時間:12:30pm-2pm 費用:HK $200/位 名額:15位 語言:廣東話 地點:6/F, Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza *名額有限,先到先得。 ^受條款及細則約束。如有任何爭議,無限極廣場保留最終決定權。圖片只供參考。 【Welcome to Sign Up for the ”DIY Light Sign Workshop“】 Want to experience the charm of light? Want to immerse yourself in a workshop full of creativity and surprises? Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza is delighted to present the highly popular ”DIY Light Sign Workshop“. You will have the opportunity to unleash your imagination, starting from sketching and twisting lights into various patterns, to create vibrant and dynamic light signs ✨ (approximately A4 paper size). Not only can they add a stylish touch to your home decor, but they are also perfect for taking photos when hanging out. The difficulty level of the workshop is not too high, making it suitable for beginners as well. Remember to sign up through the Infinitus Plaza app to reserve your spot and join us in enjoying the fun of DIY 😊! Date: 26/3 (Tue) Time: 12:30pm-2pm Fee: HK $200/pax Quota: 15 Language: Cantonese Venue: 6/F, Happy Moment @ Infinitus Plaza *Limited seats only, first come first served. ^Terms and Conditions apply. Infinitus Plaza reserves the right of final decision in case of any dispute. Photos are for reference only. #創造更快樂的地方 #霓虹燈牌 #攝影道具 #HappyMoment #infinitusplaza #neonlight #hknight #homedecor


【無限極廣場新年特別活動 精彩回顧】 上週,無限極廣場舉辦了熱鬧喜慶的賀新春活動。我們齊聚一堂製作綠...


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